So after the success of our last Teen hike, we are offering it again. This time as part of the Village Wild 23-27 April at Ourimbah. Eva has discovered a magical camp spot that the Teens can hike to from 40 acres. The hike will be shortish distance wise, so we have more time to explore, craft, hang out, play, create. The terrain will be wild in places.
Got a Teen that needs to get out and connect with other Teens???
Sign them up for the Teen Hike at the Base of the Barringtons – It will be the best things they do all holidays!!!
There are spaces still available – Monday 20 to Wednesday 22 January 2025. Bookings close Wednesday 15 Jan.
We have a mix Teens already booked – currently from 12 to 15 years – male and female and a terrific line up of experienced mentors.
2 days left before the Earlybird finishes for the Summer Be Wild Village Camp at the wonderful Wangat Lodge
Book now to secure your spot.
Guess who is joining the team for our Summer Village!! Master Storyteller, playful adventurer, singer and nature connection weaver……..Drum roll……… Mahli Hawke!
So this camp will be a combo of Wild Beings, Wild By Nature and Wildcraft – that’s a pretty awesome line up of facilitators. Hooray!!
Our Village Camps started 8 years ago thanks to Mahli Hawke saying ‘Let’s give it a go!’. With him these camps grew and flourished. He then felt the call of the North. Thankfully by some miracle we crossed paths with the Wild Beings crew, who came on board to fill the rather big gap that was left. And now this camp we are so lucky that Mahli and his family are going to join us once again.
So if you have never been to one of our village camps, or you want to come again, this summer camp at Wangat Lodge is the one to join!!
Early Bird Pricing for our Be Wild Village Gathering til the 1 December
If you are keen to join us, save your pennies and book in before the 1 December. It will be a magical gathering in the Wilds of Wangat.
Also there is a Teen hike of offer 20-22 January.
Starting from Wangat Lodge, near Dungog.
News Flash – Wild Summer Village Camp is on 17-20 January 2025
At the Wild and Wonderful Wangat Lodge – with the best swimming hole in the area. Bookings opening soon.
Spring Working Bee – 9-13 October – Spaces available
By Donation – suggested $120 per person over 5 years to cover camping, equipment and some facilitation of activities.
SPRING Wild Village Working Bee 9-13 October 2024
Yes, let’s give back the land that supports us. Bookings will open soon. And News Flash – the first of our baby goats arrived yesterday! And both mother and Grandmother are smitten. Meet Bubbles!
School Holiday WildNess: Wild Ones Fridays and Working Bee Weekend
Wild Ones will be on Friday 12 and 19 July at the Dungog Common.
Wildcraft Working Bee will be Friday 12 July – Monday 15 July.