Wild Ones Bush School – Outdoor Kids Program
Most Fridays at the Dungog Common 9am-1pm with the option to stay to 3pm for those 5 years and over. Occasional day on a weekend and in school holidays.
For: Homeschoolers, preschoolers and kids who need some time outdoors with other kids who want to get better at surviving and thriving in the bush.
Guides: Nikki Brown is the main guide and is very passionate for learning and sharing survival skills with all ages. Having studied with many survival skills teachers from Australia and the US, Indigenous and non-indigenous as well as reading many books and spending a year herself living in the bush in a shelter she had made practicing as many skills as she could, she has picked up a thing or two. She also loves games and making learning fun.
Details: Wild time in nature, learning bush skills, exploring, creating and connecting with other kids and parents. Each day includes songs, music, warm up games, skills, teamwork, bushwalks, sit spots, awareness activities, exploring, free play.
The structure is to follow the three agreements – to look after ourselves – to look after each other – to look after the place. The aims are to improve confidence in the outdoors, enhance survival skills and to have fun while doing all of that.
Navigation Basics
Being able to navigate in the bush, around town or in the city is a key survival skill. It saves energy, takes you where you most need to go, helps you find a safe route and avoid dangerous areas – plus it can be a lot of fun. Rogaining and orienteering are regular large scale treasure hunts. If you can navigate your options for adventure and survival expand exponentially. Mostly suited to ages 8 and up – though any child with an interest in following maps and learning to use a compass will enjoy it.
Village Wild Camps
These camps are for everyone!
For teenagers wanting to find their place in the world, gain confidence with bush skills and being outdoors or for developing their leadership skills.
For children ready to explore, grow and have fun in nature with skilled and kind mentors.
For parents and little ones, to have some simple nature play and nature connection activities close to camp.
For parents and adults without kids, who want to get outdoors, learn some wild skills, and connect with like-minded people and their own wild self.
This camp aims to provide for the whole village. Each day starts with a village circle, followed by mentor supported adventures for the kids, Roo and Joey program for parents with young children, and short movement and nature connection activities for adults. Afternoons feature a ‘crafternoon’ of nature-based crafts. Evenings feature some ‘tribe’ time with shared dinner, storytelling, music, fire-side sharing. Beyond that there is plenty of unstructured time with opportunities for relaxing, swimming in the creek, family time, sharing circles, skill shares.
These camps are so give us what many of us are lacking in our lives – sense of belonging, safe place to be ourselves, support during those hard moments, sharing of responsibilities, presence and awareness, ceremony, celebration – overall… the Village!
The Importance of Wild Time
Providing an opportunity for children to connect to the natural world is vitally important for their own health, well-being and learning. Being outside gives the opportunity to breathe air rich with life, to explore and adventure, to get a bit dirty and to activate all the senses – sight, touch, smell, sound and taste. Then if you can add in other kids and skilled guides and the fun to be had can be endless.
Hunter & Coastal Lifestyle Magazine journalist Penny Evans came and spent the day with us in January and published a great article on raising children with an appreciation for nature, and encouraging active involvement in the wild, as well as describing some of the things we do in our wildcraft courses to foster this in people’s lives!
Details: Evans, P. 2015 “Into the Wild.” Hunter&Coastal Lifestyle Magazine. 72: February-March, pp 73-76
January 15, 2016
Im interested in booking my 6 year old dsughter in any day camps such as the September one at dungog. Can you please notify me. Cheers Jayne
February 9, 2016
Hi Jayne, The next camp will be in the April school holidays. I will add you to the mailing list so you know the dates once we finalise them.
Cheers Nikki
July 23, 2016
Generally the camps near Dungog occur in the first week of the school holidays every holiday except winter.
The next children’s camp at Ferndale Park near Dungog is on the Monday to Wednesday 26-28 September 2016.
The next children’s camp at Treetops Scout Camp is on 20-21 September
February 24, 2016
would like to hear more about your next holiday camp and/or family camps.
February 24, 2016
Thanks for your interest! The next kids/family wildcraft camp at Ferndale, near Dungog will be Mon 11, Tue 12 and Wed 13 April. If you would like, we can add you to our email list so that you will be up to date with our upcoming courses.
May 25, 2016
Hey guys,
Wonderful website!
Can you put me on your email list. I’m definitely interested in any kids programs and weaving workshops in the hunter valley.
Thanks! Hope to see you soon 🙂
July 4, 2016
Hi Suzy! Yes you are added! xxx JO
June 11, 2016
Am in WA but am so interested for my 5 and 7 year old to take part (as well as my husband and I!) I see that we missed the first workshop, any more planned soon? Thank you
July 4, 2016
Hi Tracey, yes more workshops for the rest of the year will be advertised soon! Thanks!
July 5, 2016
Hi, please add me to your email list, I’m interested in camps/workshops for kids and families.
July 28, 2016
Hi Nikki
Rachelle Worth here…
I have a girlfriend from Gloucester who would like to attend a Bushfood weekend. . We would like to come in the middle or late September..as this fits into her current work roster.. we are both really keen…and have all our own gear..
My number is 0422 860 639
I have now moved back to gloucester. And look forward to hearing from you
Hope you are all well..
Rachelle Worth..
.. (formerly Michelle Laucht)
July 28, 2016
Hello Rachelle,
In September we are holding children camps and a Wild 101 in Melbourne and then the childrens camp at Ferndale – so it is a big month for us.
We have been getting some interest in another Bush Food course – when is the next time that would suit you and your friend?
November 4, 2016
can someone please add me to the email list regards the camp in april please. Thank you
November 4, 2016
Absolutely, consider yourself on the list!
We are also having children’s camps in January, the website will be updated soon…
February 22, 2017
Do you have any children’s camps running in the April 2017 school holidays?
March 23, 2017
Yes we do have 3 days of wildcraft for kids this April holidays! 10 , 11 , 12 April at Ferndale Park Campground, near Dungog.
Click below for more info:
Hope to see you there!
December 2, 2017
Hello, do you have weekend skills camps that are family friendly in Feb, 2018?
December 2, 2017
In the first half of 2018, family and kids camps are in January and April.
If you have a group of at least 10 participants, we can run a bush skills weekend for you in Feb, on a mutually suitable date.
If 10 is too hard to assemble from your end, we may be able to boost the numbers by advertising
May 2, 2018
So great. Can you please
Add me to the email list.
All the best! (And see you soon for a course!)
July 19, 2018
Hi Katy, welcome…you are now on our (infrequent!) email list. We also sometimes get around to using social media: we have a facebook and instagram feed: both WildcraftAustralia